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dr hab. Michał Marciak, prof. UJ

dr hab. Michał Marciak, prof. UJ

prof. UJ w Zakładzie Historii Judaizmu i Literatur Żydowskich; pokój 28; e-mail:

dr hab. Michał Marciak, prof. UJ – magister historii (specjalność: judaistyka) UJ – 2007, magister teologii (specjalność: biblistyka) PAT – 2007, doktor Uniwersytetu w Lejdzie (Niderlandy) – 2012, absolwent studiów podyplomowych GIS na AGH – 2017, doktor habilitowany w dyscyplinie historia WH UJ – 2019. Uczestnik misji archeologicznych i prac terenowych w Izraelu (2008), południo-wschodniej Turcji (2014), kurdyjskim Iraku (2016, 2018, 2021), Izraelu i Jordanii (2023). Uczestnik międzynarodowych konferencji ( 23rd LIMES Congress w 2015 i International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature w 2017). Stażysta szeregu uczelni zagranicznych (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg i Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Niemcy; Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Izrael; Indiana University-Bloomington, USA; Leiden University, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Holandia; École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem). Laureat programów badawczych finansowanych przez Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, Unię Europejską (Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus+), Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Marinus de Jonge Fonds, Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund, Rothschild Foundation Europe, Fundację na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej (program START), Fundację Lanckorońskich z Brzezia, Ministerstwo Nauki i Edukacji (Granty na Granty = ERC-2020-COG Step 2), Narodowe Centrum Nauki (Preludium 1, Preludium 2, Sonata 8, Harmonia 9, Uwertura 2, Sonata BIS 10). Przewodniczący Rady Instytutu Judaistyki UJ (2020-2024), Przewodniczący Komisji Rewizyjnej Polskiego Towarzystwa Studiów Żydowskich (2018-2022), Członek Panelu Ekspertów NCN (2020-2022). Obszar jego zainteresowań naukowych to historia starożytna Izraela i Bliskiego Wschodu w okresie hellenistycznym i rzymskim, z uwzględnieniem metod GIS, teledetekcji i badań terenowych.


Comfort, A., Marciak, M. (2018): How Did the Persian King of Kings Get His Wine? The upper Tigris in antiquity (700 BCE to 636 CE), Archaeopress Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK, pp. IV, 147.

Marciak, M. (2017): Sophene, Gordyene, and Adiabene: The Three Regna Minora of Northern Mesopotamia between East and West, Brill Publishers: Impact of Empire 26, Leiden – Boston.

Marciak, M. (2014): Izates, Helena, and Monobazos of Adiabene. A Study on Literary Traditions and History, Harrassowitz: Philippika 66, Wiesbaden.


Marciak, M., Szypuła, B. and Sobczyński, D. (2023): In Search of Ancient Pre-Roman Imperial Roads: State of Research and Some Methodological Recommendations, “Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences,” 15.

Marciak, M., Sobczyński, D., Abadi, O., Szypuła, B., Schwimmer, L. and Čilová, M. (2023): In Search of Ancient Pre-Roman Imperial Roads: A Case Study of the Application of Remote Sensing in Road Archaeology in the Southern Levant, “Remote Sensing,” 15 (18), 45-45.

Marciak, M. (2022): Kings of Sophene in the Hellenistic Period, “Bibliotheca Orientalis,” 79 (5-6), 509–520.

Marciak, M. (2022): Roman Itineraries and Crossing Points of the Upper Tigris in Antiquity, [in:] Hartmann, U., Schleicher, F., and Stickler, T. (eds), Imperia sine fine?: der römisch-parthische Grenzraum als Konflikt- und Kontaktzone, Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer (Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Forschung), 413–420.

Marciak, M., Sobiech, M. and Pirowski, T. (2022): Alexander the Great in Mesopotamia in 331 BCE, “Antichthon,” 56, 77–104.

Marciak, M., Głogowski, P., Szypuła, B., Pirowski, T. and Gomiero, G. (2022): Gaugamela in the Plains of Nineveh?: The Southern Location of the Battle of Gaugamela Reconsidered, “Anabasis,” 11, 60–110.

Pirowski, T., Szypuła, B. and Marciak, M. (2022): Interpretation of Multispectral Satellite Data as a Tool for Detecting Archaeological Artifacts (Navkur Plain and Karamleis Plain, Iraq), “Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences,” 14 (9).

Marciak, M., Wójcikowski, R., Morandi Bonacossi, D. and Sobiech, M. (2021): The Battle of Gaugamela in the Navkur Plain in the Context of the Macedonian and Persian art of Warfare, “Studia Iranica,” 50 (1), 7–68.

Marciak, M., Szypuła, B., Sobiech, M. and Pirowski, T. (2021): The Battle of Gaugamela and the Guestion of Visibility on the Battlefield, “Iraq”, 83, 83–103.

Marciak, M. (2021): Idumeans and Jewish Identity, [in:] Jakimyszyn-Gadocha, A. and Tuszewicki, M. (eds) ממרא דפולין = Mamre de-Polin: księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Edwardowi Dąbrowie, Kraków-Budapeszt-Syrakuzy: Wydawnictwo Austeria, 17–29.

Marciak, M. 2021: Gordyene, in: Encyclopaedia Iranica Online, p. [1]

Marciak, M. 2021: The Upper Tigris Region between Rome, Iran, and Armenia, "Electrum," 28, 151–161.

Pirowski, T., Marciak, M., Sobiech, M. (2021): Potentialities and Limitations of Research on VHRS Data: Alexander the Great’s Military Camp at Gaugamela on the Navkur Plain in Kurdish Iraq as a Test Case, "Remote Sensing" 13, no. 5: 904.

Marciak, M., Sobiech, M., Pirowski, T. (2020): Alexander the Great’s Route to Gaugamela and Arbela, "Klio" 102, 536-559.

Marciak, M. (2020): Persecuted or Persecutors? The Maccabean–Idumean Conflict in the Light of the First and Second Books of the Maccabees, "Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins" 136, 50-65.

Marciak, M. (2020): On 1 Macc. 5:3 and Maʿale ʿAqrabbim, "Ancient Near Eastern Studies" 57, 81-95.

Marciak, M. (2019): Idumea and the Idumeans in Josephus’ Retelling of the Bible, "Revue Biblique" 126, 235-253.

Marciak, M. (2019): Adiabene, [in:] T&T Clark Encyclopaedia of Second Temple Judaism, D.M. Gurtner, L.T. Stuckenbruck (eds.), vol. II, T&T Clark: Bloomsbury, 9-10.

Marciak, M. (2018): Hellenistic-Roman Idumea in the Light of Greek and Latin Non-Jewish Authors, "Klio: Beiträge zur alten Geschichte" 100, 877-910.

Marciak, M. (2018): Roman Adiabene? Concerning the Origin of a Historical and Cultural Misconception, [in:] C.S. Sommer, S. Matešic (eds.), Limes XXIII. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies Ingolstadt 2015. Akten des 23. Internationalen Limeskongresses in Ingolstadt 2015. Beiträge zum Welterbe Limes Sonderband 4 (Bad Homburg v.d.H. 2018), 668-671.

Comfort, A., Marciak, M. (2018): The Upper Tigris and the Ilısu Dam, "The Ancient Near East Today", Vol. VI, No. 10.

Marciak, M. (2018): Royal Converts from Adiabene and the Archaeology of Jerusalem, "Göttinger Forum für die Altertumswissenschaft" 21, 29-58.

Marciak, M. (2018): Royal Converts from Adiabene and Jewish Identity in the Second Temple Period, "Biblical Annals" 8, 607-624.

Marciak, M. (2018) Idumea and Idumeans in the Light of the Pseudepigrapha, "Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha" 27, 163-20.

Marciak, M. (2017-2018): From Edom to Idumea – Septuagint references to Edom and Idumea, "Palamedes: A Journal of Ancient History" 12, 5-35.

Marciak, M. (2017): Idumea and the Idumeans in the Context of the Jewish War against Rome (66-73 CE), "Biblische Notizen" 174, 73-90.

Marciak, M. (2017): Idumea and the Idumeans in Josephus’ Story of Hellenistic-Early Roman Palestine (Ant. XII-XX), "Aevum" 91, 171-194.

Marciak, M. (2017): The Site of Arzan: A Preliminary Topographical and Archaeological Reconnaissance in 2014, "Ancient West and East" 16, 305-327.

Marciak, M. (2016): The Site of Tigranokerta. Status Quaestionis, "Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae" 56, 293-314.

Marciak, M., Wójcikowski, R. (2016): Images of Kings of Adiabene: Numismatic and Sculptural Evidence, "Iraq" [Journal of the British Institute for the Study of Iraq] 78, 79-101.

Marciak, M. (2016): Gordyene’s Culture from Hellenistic to Sasanian Times, "Geographia Antiqua" 25, 35-58.

Marciak, M. (2015): Das Königreich Adiabene in hellenistisch-parthischer Zeit, "Gymnasium. Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und humanistische Bildung" 122, 57-74.

Marciak, M. (2015): From Edom to Idumea: Analysis of Selected Passages from the Hexateuch, "Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia" 6, 35-49.

Marciak, M. (2015): Adiabene and Hatra: Some Remarks on Hatra’s Neighbor, "Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia" 6, 245-256.

Marciak, M. (2014): The Sites of Kızıltepe (Tell Ermen) and Arzan: Preliminary Remarks on the Identification of Ancient Tigranokerta, "Journal of Ancient Topography (Rivista di Topografia Antica)" 24, 7-22.

Marciak, M. (2014): The Cultural Environment of Adiabene in the Hellenistic, Parthian, and Sasanian Periods, "Parthica. Incontri di culture nel mondo antico" 16, 111-150.

Marciak, M. (2014): Cultural Landscape of Sophene from Hellenistic to Early Byzantine Times, "Göttinger Forum für die Altertumswissenschaft" 17, 2014, 13-56.

Marciak, M. (2013): Natounisarokerta on the Kapros. New Numismatic Evidence from the British Museum, "Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia" 4, 2013, 160-178.

Marciak, M. (2013): The Historical Geography of Gordyene. Part 2: Oriental Sources, "Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia" 4, 2013, 149-159.

Marciak, M. (2012): The Historical Geography of Sophene, "Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae" 52, 295-338.

Marciak, M. (2012): The Historical Geography of Gordyene. Part 1: Classical Sources, "Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia" 3, 173-213.

Marciak, M. (2011): Seleucid-Parthian Adiabene in the Light of Ancient Geographical and Ethnographical Texts, "Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia" 2, 179-208.

Marciak, M. (2011): Biblical Allusions in the Adiabene Narrative (Josephus’ Antiquitates Judaicae 20:17-96), "The Polish Journal of Biblical Research" 19-20, 113-132.

Marciak, M. (2009): Discoveries in Wadi Daliyeh. Some Remarks on Historical Conclusions Based on the Interpretation of the Samaria Papyri and Their Bullae, "The Qumran Chronicle" 17, 31-49.

Marciak, M. (2009): Rezensionsartikel: J. Dušeks Promotionsarbeit an Geschichte Samarias zur Perserzeit, "The Polish Journal of Biblical Research" 15, 61-68.

Marciak, M. (2009): Statthalter Samarias zur Perserzet. Streit um Sanballat II, "Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia" 7, 15-24.

Marciak, M. (2008): Entdeckungen in Wadi Daliyeh und Samaria zur Perserzeit. Einführung in die Problematik, "The Qumran Chronicle" 16, 123-156.

Marciak, M. (2006): Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Jews, "The Polish Journal of Biblical Research" 9, 61-74.


Roman Itineraries and Crossing Points of the Upper Tigris in Antiquity, konferencja: Imperia sine fine? Der römisch-parthische Grenzraum als Konflikt- und Kontaktzone (Jena, 18-21.09.2019).

The Upper Tigris Region Between Rome, Iran and Armenia, kongres: Ancient Armenia in Context (II BCE-III CE), (Münster, 26-28.06.2019).

First Results of the Gaugamela Project, International Workshop: Archaeological Landscapes of Mesopotamia between Prehistory and the Islamic Period. Formation, Transformation, Protection and Enhancement, Università degli Studi di Udine (Włochy, 15-16.01.2019).

On the Origin of the Maccabean-Idumean Conflict, 2017 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (Berlin, 7-11.08.2017).

Roman Adiabene? On the Origin of a Historical and Cultural Misconception, 23rd LIMES Congress 2015, Deutsche Limeskommission (Ingolstadt, Niemcy, 12-23.09.2015).